We finally had a weekend without rain! It was an absolutely gorgeous day. The boys have been begging to camp out in the yard for weeks but I always have to tell them "no, it's going to rain tonight", but finally we get a nice day with no rain expected for at least 2 days. Awesome. We have a brand new tent that was still in the box. A gift from Grandma. It's a hugemungous 10 person tent from costco with a hinged door and self rolling windows, ooh la la :). So we broke into it. It took Brandon and I some time to figure out how the thing went together, the instructions weren't the best, but once we got it done it looked fantastic. And next time it will be easy since we know how to do it now.
The boys were amazed at the size. It's a mansion of a tent!

A couple of their friends were over playing, so the boys invited them to spend the night in the tent with them. After everyone got their stuff and they set up their beds in the tent we made a fire in our portable fire pit and roasted some marshmallows for s'mores. Yum yum. The boys told stories and we all laughed and had a great time.

The boys stayed up very late talking, laughing and playing with flashlights. This is exactly what childhood is all about. I truly believe, as a parent, it is up to me to give my kids the best childhoods I possibly can. Full of happy memories and great times spent with friends and family.
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