Our 2 month old ducks started learning to fly. They weren't great at it yet, and kept flying out of their fenced off part of the yard and into the main backyard or the front yard. We had to rescue them from the dog a few times, and place them back into their pen. Then one day, we went to the river to play all day, and when we came home one duck was gone. Then a couple days later, the second one was gone. They could have gotten into a neighbors yard, or, if they were lucky, they could have flown all the way down the hill to the creek. The only duck that was left was Ms. Quack (the one we were pretty sure was the only female). She cried and cried, wondering where her brothers went. So we walked her down to the park where we knew other ducks lived.
We only saw a bunch of males, we assume the females must have all been sitting on eggs. When we tried to release her near the other ducks one male duck attacked her. He flew at her and bit her and she was very scared and huddled near us. So we picked her up and took her further down the creek. There was no other ducks in this area, but we figured she would be safer here then in the other ducks territory. We left her in the water, and she stayed near the edge of the creek and looked scared and lost :(
I have a feeling we will never know what happened to all of our ducks. Maybe when they learn to fly better they will find their way back to our house to pay us a visit. I really hope they are still alive and OK.
Good-Bye Ms. Quack |
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